Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday afternoon

Have just added another slide show of my scrapping layouts, old & new. The wind is still ferral here! Looking from inside out, it looks lovely, as the sky is blue!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
take care.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thursday evening

Well, it's nearly the weekend and Father's day! The weather here has been crazy! The past couple of days has been almost like summer. Now there are dark clouds rolling in and getting quite cool. I have a busy weekend planned so hopefully I will be able to post again on Monday!
Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

phone photo

I have just taken this photo with my phone. It's a freesia in our front garden.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


This is another "arty" layout that i have done.

Monday, August 27, 2007


In the background of THE MORNING SHOW pic on my blog header, you can see me!!!! This was while we were in Sydney!


This is one of my "recent" layouts. I am enjoying the "arty" style and think I have found my "niche"!
Let me know what you think.

catching up

Hi!!! Hope you haven't abandonded me! I have been away and been busy also and lots happening at home as well. I hope to catch up this week and plan to re-vamp my blog with new pics etc etc!!!
I also hope to add my favourite sites etc etc and just life in general.

My daughter has started her own website with lots of lovely things to purchase. Please visit her site:

it's a great site and I hope she does well!

Thanks for visiting and please call again.


my dream "car"

Looking up the driveway

Looking up the driveway

Marcus Beach driveway

Marcus Beach driveway


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